Conventional Chiropractic
At Fire Mountain Spine & Rehabilitation Center we are competent in several techniques in order to better serve each client on an individual basis. From gentle techniques appropriate for children and seniors to muscle work and neurology for athletes, we support our patients in achieving their health goals.
We have provided links for assistance. If you would like to see more information, ask your doctor.
Pettibon System
The system consists of specially designed head, shoulder and hip weights. Specific isometric exercises target strengthening and balancing the body’s postural muscles; the muscles that support the body’s posture and alignment. Seated x-ray analysis is performed in order to evaluate the entire spine under maximum stress which highlights misalignments, torn ligaments, decreased disc spacing and improper spinal curves.
Each patient undergoes stress testing before acceptance for care to evaluate whether their postural muscles are strong enough for corrective procedures. If muscle strength and endurance are lacking (approximately 15-20% of people) patients are guided through and initial rehabilitation program before commencing spinal correction.
The Pettibon System requires active participation at the office and at home, ultimately the rehabilitation and exercises are what fix the patient.
Patients are given the necessary tools and education to maintain their spinal corrections which separates this program from all others.
Active Release Technique (ART)
Active Release Technique (ART) is a patented, non-invasive, soft tissue treatment process that both locates and breaks down the scar tissue and adhesions which cause pain, stiffness, weakness, numbness, and physical dysfunctions associated with Repetitive Strain Injuries. ART is used both for treatment of RSI injuries, as well as for the improvement of athletic performance. ART is built upon a strong scientific foundation and is combined with years of practical application in the clinical treatment of soft-tissue injuries.
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is caused by repeated physical movements that cause ongoing damage to muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, fascia, circulatory structures, and other soft-tissues. RSI sufferers come from many occupations ranging from musicians to meat packers to computer programmers. Repetitive Strain Injury caused by cumulative trauma has become the most prevalent cause of injuries in the workplace. RSI’s account for 67% of all occupational injuries, and cost over $110 billion dollars per year in medical costs, lost wages, and productivity (United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2001). RSI’s are among the most misdiagnosed, misunderstood, and poorly treated conditions. Common therapies such as medication, physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, massage, electrical muscle stimulation, rest, exercise, and surgery have all failed to effectively resolve repetitive strain injuries. Active Release Techniques (ART) provides a means to effectively and rapidly resolve these stressful repetitive strain injuries without surgical intervention, and allows patients to quickly return to their normal activities.
A repetitive strain injury is a soft-tissue injury in which muscles, nerves, ligaments, fascia, or tendons become irritated and inflamed, usually as a result of cumulative trauma and overuse. Unlike sprains or strains, which usually result from a single incident (called acute trauma), a repetitive strain injury develops slowly over time. Other names for these types of injuries include:
Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD)
Repetitive Motion Injury (RMI)
Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS)
Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WMSD)
RSI’s can occur in any occupation that requires repetitive action and can be caused through the overuse of some part of your body, and by any combination of the following factors:
Repetitive tasks with many small, rapid movements
Insufficient rest time between the repetitive tasks
Working in awkward or fixed postures for extended periods of time
Excessive and forceful movements, used repetitively, to move loads, or to execute accelerated actions such as lifting, running, hitting, or throwing
The most common body parts affected by RSI are the fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, arms, shoulders, legs, ankles, feet, knees, back, and neck. Computer users make up a large percentage of RSI patients and frequently suffer from repetitive strain injuries to the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, and neck. Repetitive Strain Injuries occur as a result of cumulative trauma and overuse of soft-tissues. Soft-tissues that are forced to perform the same job over and over become irritated and then inflamed. Over time, the cumulative trauma experienced through the overuse of soft-tissues can stress and reduce circulation to these soft tissues. These stresses create tiny tears in the soft-tissue, which become inflamed. The body responds to inflammation by laying down scar tissue in an attempt to stabilize the area. Once this happens, an ongoing cycle begins that worsens the condition. The longer this cycle persists, the harder it becomes to avoid permanent soft-tissue damage. In extreme cases it can cause permanent tissue damage and disability.
Repetitive Strain Injuries account for over 67% of all occupational injuries. Statistics show that the number of patients suffering from RSI has now surpassed those suffering from back pain. With advancing technology in a society dependent on computers these numbers are anticipated to continue rising in the future. When compared to other medical procedures, ART treatments can reduce the cost of RSI treatment, residual care, and lost productivity to just one-tenth of today’s normal costs. Even better, ART is able to resolve the true cause of many of these dysfunctions, by providing more than just a symptomatic solution.
Individuals who are at high risk for RSI include those who have occupations that:
Combine force and repetition of the same motion, for long periods of time, especially in the fingers and hands
Require work in awkward or unnatural positions
Involve static work positions, while using the hands, arms, and shoulders
Combine continuous, precise muscular movements with the above-listed factors.
ART can help with:
Achilles Tendonitis
Ankle Injuries
Back Pain/Injuries
Bicipital Tendonitis
Bunions & Bursitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Compartment Syndrome
DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Foot Pain & Injury
Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis
Gait Imbalances
Golfer’s Elbow/Tennis Elbow
Golf Injuries
Hammer Toes
Hand Injuries
Hip pain
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Impingement Syndromes
Joint Dysfunctions
Knee Meniscus Injuries
Knee & Leg Pain
Muscle Pulls or Strains
Neck Pain
Nerve Entrapment Syndromes
Plantar Fascitis
Rib Pain
Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Running Injuries
Shin Splints
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
"As a pediatrician, I was always skeptical of chiropractic medicine. Dr. Sarah changed all that. After suffering with jaw pain for years, with no relief from physical therapy, dental devices and medication, I was thrilled when I crossed paths with Dr. Sarah at a running event. It took her less than 20 seconds to identify my problem. Within one visit to her office, I began to feel better and could open my mouth for a bite of apple without trepidation. Now I come just once per month for my tune ups and I wouldn't miss it for anything."
Kelly Motadel
"When I first arrived at Fire Mountain Chiropractic Center, I couldn't raise my left arm nor could I put my hand on my hip. I had adhesive capsilitus and had been to physical therapy, orthopedists, and countless other professionals. It was with Dr. Sarah that I experienced any relief. Not only did she alleviate my pain and increase my range of motion, but she also armed me with the information I needed to allay my fears and overcome my "disability". Now I have full range of motion and have even been able to resume my yoga practice. Instead of the three year course of illness predicted by my doctor, after one year with Dr. Sarah I am "back to normal" (and without surgery). Thank you, thank you, thank you to Dr. Sarah and all the staff at FMC.
Donna Link
Massage, Bodywork
Bodywork/Massage Therapy is the manual manipulation of muscles and soft tissue by applying pressure to the body with the intention of positively affecting the health and well being of the client or patient.
Benefits of Massage Therapy
Massage increases the blood supply of a muscle through the pressing & rubbing of the muscles against each other. When properly administered, the manipulations of massage act upon the muscles in such a way as to produce a suction, or pumping effect, pressing onward the contents of the veins and lymph channels, and thus creating a vacuum to be filled by a fresh supply of fluid derived from the capillaries & tissues.
The influence of massage upon the lymph circulation is especially worthy of attention. The lymph vessels drain the tissues of waste and toxic substances, & prevent clogging from wandering cells. Lymph channels are most abundant in the subcutaneous tissue and fascia, which cover and lie between the muscles, so that these vessels are mechanically acted upon in massage, especially by friction & kneading movements.
Effectiveness of Massage
Massage is very effective in the relief of pain and discomfort, whether due to a particular health disorder or to chronic stress. Massage increases blood circulation and lymphatic circulation, which helps remove waste and toxins from muscles.
Massage seems to cause a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate due to reflex effects through the sympathetic nervous system. Reflex effects include muscle relaxation, relief of spasms and cramps and increased range of motion. A decrease in anxiety, tension and fatigue, along with the enhancement of a general sense of well-being is also a benefit of receiving a massage.